Friday, October 10, 2008

Roasted fennel shines on the side

(Chop the fennel fronds for use in salads)

Fennel is one of those beautiful plants that probably recognizes its stature in the vegetable world — all feathery and showy on top with a strong solid base.

Finnochio, as it's called in Italian, is delicious raw in salads, turned into soups or roasted with a drizzle of olive oil, salt and pepper. (Never mind the insulting Italian slang word associated with it you might have heard in episodes of "The Sopranos"!) Finnochio deserves a lot of love, because it is so good and versatile.

I spied some beauties at the farmers market last week and immediately picked one up to roast as a side dish to a pasta main course I was thinking about making. Roasted fennel goes so well as a side with pasta and tomato sauce — I love the subtle licorice flavor and crusty mouthfeel that comes from roasting and finishing it with bread crumbs and a little Parmesan cheese.

It's a great dish to make as the days get shorter and cooler — the aroma will fill your kitchen and make your mouth water in anticipation.

Here's all you have to do:

(Sprinkle a little Parmesan cheese on top of roasted fennel)

Roasted Fennel

  • Thoroughly rinse a large bulb of fennel and then chop off its top, reserving the fronds for salads, soups or stews (certainly use some of them in this dish as well).
  • Chop it like celery and place in a baking dish.

  • Drizzle the slices with a little olive oil; season with salt and pepper.
  • Roast in a preheated 400-degree oven for about 15-20 minutes.
  • Pull the pan out of the oven and add some bread crumbs on top along with a bit of grated Parmesan cheese.
  • Return the pan to the oven and roast another 5-10 minutes until bubbly and browned.

Roasted fennel makes a great side dish alongside just about any pasta dish.


  1. Looks really good. I've got to admit - I've never had fennel before - but this makes me wanna try it - especially w/the cheese on top - lol.


  2. Definitely with the cheese on top, Darius!

  3. This is a great side for fall, I love how it tastes roasted too! Can you tell the difference between male and female fennel? there's suppose to be a difference.

  4. MMmmmmmmmMMMmMmMmmmm ~ FENNEL!!!

    I remember my grandma would sometimes dip it in a batter and deep fry it ~ as a sort of antipasti(o?)
    (I know one is is plural...not sure which is which!)

    but then ~ what isn't good when you *ahem* 'oil poach' =)

    But no matter how you prepare it ~ fennel is definately an underrated veggie.....

    It's just *so* very yummeh! =) And the whispy tops....when I was a kid I'd say that was where the faeries lived!
    ~ well...okay ~ I *still* say that *blushes*



  5. Fennel does make a great side dish for fall, Marie. I never think about it during the summer!

    And, no, I can't say I know the difference between male and female fennel — anyone know what that is?


    Faeries in fennel fronds, Groovy? Sounds like the makings of a song!

    I like the idea of battering it and dropping it into some hot oil, sort of like fennel tempura?!

    Sounds good! ;-)
