Sunday, January 25, 2009

Gardening ideas sprout in winter

(Perusing seed catalogs in winter is a breath of spring)

It's the dead of winter here in the Hudson Valley and temperatures are frigid once again.
For me, that's the best time to start thinking about the new gardening season and planning for spring.

I'm really in no rush to get started. Time passes too quickly to begin with, so winter is a nice time to mediate on the season ahead. For the most part, I enjoy winter and the feeling of being nestled inside, safe and warm.
But come the end of January, it's time for a little gardening inspiration.

I've been getting seed catalogs in the mail since the first of the new year. I love flipping through the pages and soaking in the sights of those vibrant color photos of rich, succulent vegetables, herbs and flowers.
Just look at that luscious tomato sliced open on the cover of the Burpee catalog — it makes me drool just thinking about a garden tomato warmed by the sun, sliced and drizzled with olive oil and a sprinkling of salt, pepper and fresh basil.
It does my weary winter soul good.

(One of the Art Packs of heirloom seeds from Hudson Valley Seed Library)

There is a new seed place that caught my interest this year: the Hudson Valley Seed Library. I'm really excited about this homestead-based farm and business. These are heirloom, organic seeds with local roots, and I couldn't wait to join up. The group is devoted to developing a seed production network in the region.
For a $20 membership, you get to choose 10 packs of seeds. There are more than 35 varieties of vegetables, flowers and herbs from which to choose. And they offer gardening support and information exchanges.
The seed library also has Art Packs, which are created by Treeo Design, based in Gardiner, Ulster County. Each pack of seeds features original artwork by a different New York artist. I had to order these, too, as I love paper designs. And what's better than having an artful package with local seeds inside! Some of these are destined for Easter basket goodies and some I will definitely keep.

As a member of the Hudson Valley Seed Library, you grow seeds and then have the option of returning some of the seeds at the end of the harvest, in effect, keeping the local strains going strong. Members are credited for the seeds they return, and can then use that credit to order more seeds next season.

Check out the Web site,, to find out more about this wonderful local effort.

I love the idea of saving seeds and sharing them with other gardeners in the region. This is nothing new for seasoned gardeners; I have been sharing seeds and produce with my gardening friends for decades. That's a container of pumpkin seeds, pictured above, my friend in California sent me as part of my birthday package this week. She also included other garden-themed gifts, such as old-fashioned seed-inspired stickers and a great long-sleeve T-shirt with a bouquet of flowers on the front from the Luther Burbank Home & Gardens in Santa Rosa, near where she works. (Thanks, Sue & Den!) — More gardening inspiration to get me through the winter months.

(Tiny potted daffodils and bouquets of flowers brighten up winter days)

So there's really no reason to let winter bring you down.
Use the time to dream about the new gardening season ahead.
And if you don't have a garden, think about starting one, even if it's growing vegetables and flowers in pots and barrels.
We need fresh food more than ever these days.
Grow some food and share it with your family, friends and co-workers.

I know under this snowy blanket lies the beginnings of salad greens and spinach, garlic and strawberries.

And it won't be long before it turns into this.

I'm going to dream about my lush garden as I stay warm in winter. I can almost smell the green!

That's me hiding behind some broccoli seed pods in the foreground. That giant rudbeckia in the background was amazing.

And if you live in the Hudson Valley, get started by checking out the Hudson Valley Seed Library. There's plenty of inspiration to go around.

I'd love to hear your gardening plans for winter. Post them here or ship me an e-mail at


  1. OMG, I really never seen rudbeckias that tall, really amazing.

  2. It truly was a giant, Elra! And it's a perennial that just keeps on giving. ;-)

  3. I can't wait Barbara! another snow storm tomorrow:(

  4. You and me, both, Joe! I'm putting the snow shovel in my car tonight. :(
